We at ClutchPlay are honored to be the subject of the latest App Store Indie Game Showcase with “Skullduggery!” It’s great to be featured, but it’s also great to have a chance to highlight some games made by some of our favorite indie developers around the world.
The Tax Man Strikes Early!
ClutchPlay is pleased to announce that our newest game “Skullduggery!” is now available on Android and is featured on Google Play for the week of April 9th!
View the Launch Trailer
Get it on Google Play or on the Amazon Appstore for Android.
We hope you enjoy “Skullduggery!” on Android!
“Skullduggery!” LIVES!
ClutchPlay is pleased to announce that our newest game “Skullduggery!” is available TODAY as a universal app on iOS for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch, and is featured as the Apple Editor’s Choice for the week of October 9th!
View the Launch Trailer
Download on the App Store
We sincerely hope you enjoy “Skullduggery!”
“Skullduggery!” Launching on iOS October 9th
We are thrilled to announce that our new game, “Skullduggery!” will be hitting the App Store one week from today! Prepare your iPads, iPhones, and iPod Touches, and hold on to your skulls!
It’s been a long and eventful year, and we couldn’t be more excited to share this strange and unusual little game with you.
Little Chomp rates 8.8 from Tapscape!
We’re thrilled to announce that Little Chomp has been selected for the PAX East 2013 Indie Showcase!
It seemed like such a long shot that we almost didn’t even apply. Like the true Clutch Players we are, we literally got the application in 2 minutes before the midnight deadline back in December.
The moral of the story: Great things can happen when you refuse to give up. Being an indie is all about taking chances. Lesson learned!
Boston, here we come!
Little Chomp receives a very flattering and unexpected review from Tapscape, who dubs it, “A charming, addictive romp through a magical forest landscape.”
Little Chomp iPhone Game Review: Addictive Climbing Game
Little Chomp is an iPhone game developed by ClutchPlay Games. In this addictive little game, you’re tasked with helping a cuddly caterpillar climb from the forest floor to the canopy in record time, all while collecting coins and fruits.
Little Chomp works on a drag-based control scheme. Pull and release on Little Chomp’s tail to aim and fire him in any direction. Pulling and holding on his tail gives you a visual guide of the arc he will travel in upon release. The controls are very responsive, and they make the game a joy to play.
Read the full review of Little Chomp by Tucker Cummings on Tapscape!
Little Chomp in New and Noteworthy
Finally… little love from Apple!
Yesterday the latest Little Chomp Update made it into the New and Noteworthy featured category on the App Store in 81 countries!
And we also got a larger feature on the App Store in Japan…
We’ve been told many times that if you don’t get featured when you launch, it will likely never happen. Yet more evidence that you cannot give up. Ever.
Good things come to those who wait and persevere.
Thank you, Apple!
Little Chomp Scores a 4.5 from Touch Arcade!
One of the highlights of PAX for me was meeting Eli Hodapp from Touch Arcade, who despite being in high demand, stood and talked with me for quite some time about the humble beginnings or our company. I can honestly say, he’s a really great guy.
When he left, the other Showcase winners asked, ‘did he put your game in his book?’
The book they were referring to is a small notebook he carries around to make note of games that Touch Arcade might want to review. And apparently, if you make it in ‘the book’ it means, your game is on their radar. Fortunately for us, Little Chomp made it into ‘the book’ and today, that notation has turned into a kickass review! Thank you Eli and David Craddock! We are so excited to get such a great review from Touch Arcade!
From the article:
Little Chomp came out of nowhere and charmed me with its smooth controls, variety of fun goals to check off, and absolutely vibrant graphics and crisp audio. At only a buck, you don’t want to pass this one up.
Check out the full review of Little Chomp on Touch Arcade!
Better with Popcorn gives Little Chomp 9/10!
A fantastic review from George Prax at Better with Popcorn, who gives Little Chomp “9 hungry caterpillars our of 10.” Thank you, George for the amazing review!
Little Chomp iOS Review [Pax East 2013]
There were an insane amount of games on display at Pax East 2013 the other week, but not only the Triple-A mega titles from huge companies like Ubiosft, Sony and Blizzard. Wading through the maze of booths, displays and sections from these big developers, it was rather easy to lose yourself in the sea of 70,000 gamers, but among the fray were a few gems in the form of indie and mobile titles there as part of the yearly Indie showcase.
It wouldn’t be fair for me to try and pick a favorite out of all of the games I saw, but it’s quite easy to identify the most charming of all those games. That game would have to be Little Chomp, from Portland studio ClutchPlay…
Read the full review of Little Chomp on Better with Popcorn.
Ditto P. Monster interviews Amy & John at PAX
You meet a lot of people at PAX. You expect that. But you don’t expect to meet a lot of puppets. That’s what makes this one of my favorite interviews at PAX.
Here, John and I talk about Little Chomp with Ditto P. Monster, a ‘fabricated American’ gamer who blogs about games for kids.
Thank you, Ditto! It was great meeting you. 🙂
PAX East – Day 1
I can honestly say, with no exaggeration, that I have never been more tired than I am today. As a small indie company without an office, we spend most of our days alone in our respective homes quietly working our tails off. So it’s quite a shock to the system to suddenly find oneself in the middle of a giant convention center surrounded by thousands and thousands of people.
Day 1 started early. There was a press event at 9:00 AM, which meant that all exhibitors had to be there by 8:00 AM to make sure that we were set up and ready to go. Here we are at the start of the day. I look terrible in this photo but it does kind of tell a story:

Here we are in the calm before the storm. There’s me trying to get pumped up to face the day. John, on the other hand, needs more caffeine before he can get his game face on.
They call it ‘the Rush.’ It’s what happens the moment The Enforcers open the doors to the attendees at 10:00 AM. The fans all surge forward and begin running into the exhibit hall shouting at the top of their lungs. Being on the floor when it happens is almost indescribable. You can hear the screaming hoard of people coming at you from somewhere in the distance but you can’t see where they’re coming from at first. It’s more than a little unnerving. It sort of makes you feel like you’re under attack, as though you’re in the midst of some melee battle scene in Game of Thrones. All the other exhibitors seemed to feel the same way. It’s both freaky and exhilarating. Then, moments later, the hall is filled with people.
And that’s when the fun begins.
As an indie, you almost never get a chance to watch people play your game. That is the true magic of an event like PAX.
It’s also a little bit surreal. There comes a point at which things that might otherwise seem strange begin to seem totally normal. For example, Kira stepped away for a bit and when she came back, she took this picture of me holding a giant paper mache Buster Sword so a Final Fantasy cosplayer could have some quality time with Little Chomp.
By the time 6:00 comes on Day 1, we’re all exhausted. We’ve been on our feet for the 10 hours straight and we’re sore from standing, hoarse from talking all day and our faces hurt from smiling. But it’s not over yet.
We have an exhibitor mixer from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM and then John is speaking in the Indie Showcase panel that starts at 8:00 PM.
I don’t know how they do it, but John and the other Indie Showcase panelists somehow manage to be charming and insightful on stage for another hour. I am in awe of all of them. I’m so tired I can’t even seem to take a picture that’s actually in focus.
We get back to the hotel around 10:30 or 11:00 but they day still isn’t done, at least not for me. I have emails and promo codes to send to press people who stopped by the check out the game. And then, there’s some blogging to do of course.
Exhausting as it is, I kind of can’t wait to do it again tomorrow. I guess I’m tougher than I thought. 🙂